Small Pool Owner

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Must-Have Above Ground Pool Accessories

Must-Have Above Ground Pool Accessories

An above ground pool is a great way to have a pool in your backyard without the hassle of installing an expensive inground pool. But which above ground pool accessories do you need to keep your pool safe and enjoyable? Now, in this article, we will explore the...

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The Best Things That Can Go Around An Above Ground Pool

The Best Things That Can Go Around An Above Ground Pool

Above ground pools have been around for decades. They're a great option for people who don't want the hassle of maintaining an in-ground pool but still enjoy swimming and playing in the water. That said, it might look bland in comparison to their inground cousins. So,...

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Above Ground Pools Last Longer Than You Think

Above Ground Pools Last Longer Than You Think

So you are considering an above ground pool? Or perhaps you just bought one or had enjoyed yours for a few years already. That said, one of many questions above-ground pool owners ask themselves is: How long will my above ground pool last? In general, Above ground...

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How Far Should You Drain Your Above Ground Pool For Winter?

How Far Should You Drain Your Above Ground Pool For Winter?

So winter is coming, this brings you lots more responsibilities to keep your house in top-notch condition. And that includes draining an above-ground pool. And yes, no experts are needed for assistance. So, How far should you drain your above-ground pool for winter?...

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About Us

We're Wynand and Len and we're both passionate about our small above ground pools. This website is as much for us learning new things and sharing our findings and experiments.

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