Small Pool Owner

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Is the Green Water in my Above Ground Pool Safe to Swim in?

Is the Green Water in my Above Ground Pool Safe to Swim in?

Now, let's be honest. No one. And we mean no one. Likes to swim or look at a green above ground pool (or any pool for that matter). It is just plain ugly. However, don't worry it happens to most of us. So we have established it is the proverbial sight for sore eyes....

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How Safe is an Above Ground Pool for Babies?

How Safe is an Above Ground Pool for Babies?

In this article, we are going to discuss how safe is an above ground pool for babies. So it goes without saying that this would be a perfect 2-3 minute read if you are a new parent with or considering an above ground pool (Also very relevant if you own a normal in...

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Stop Stressing – Child Proof Your Above Ground Pool

Stop Stressing – Child Proof Your Above Ground Pool

Whenever there are toddlers and children around a pool of any sort, parents start to panic. And that is why we need to chat about how to child proof your above ground pool. We have all heard about accidents. That said this article wants to focus on the positives and...

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Time for a Hot Tub! Turn your Above Ground Pool into One

Time for a Hot Tub! Turn your Above Ground Pool into One

Key Takeaway It is possible to turn your Intex, Bestaway or any other brand above ground pool into a Hot Tub The pool can be a used pool so there is no need to purchase a new one A smaller above ground pool would be better since it keeps it heat for longer In theory,...

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About Us

We're Wynand and Len and we're both passionate about our small above ground pools. This website is as much for us learning new things and sharing our findings and experiments.

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